Tag Archives: European Championship
European Karate Championship – Shinkyokushin 2023
A historic event, The European Karate Championship Shinkyokushin 2023 was held in Sweden – for the first time. Sweden proven to be a Full Contact Karate nation at a respectable level for many years – what about organizing such big event?
The European Karate Championship Shinkyokushin is closing in, The categories being filled up, and goals are set for the first EC Shinkyokushin in Sweden!
Fights of the year 2022 – Men
2022 is history, and some great events and fights has been held. You will find: WKB, IKO, WKO, IFK, RENGOKAI, JKJO, JFKO, SOKYOKUSHIN – World Championship, European Championships, All Japan Opens and Polish Open-weight..
2010 EC Shinkyokushin, Spain
Time fly, and ten years goes fast. European Championship Shinkyokushin was held in Spain, Logroño 4th – 5th June. Looking back, the level of top fighters attending in this edition was amazing. If we take the winners from both divisions, women and men, the champions was not only the best in Europe – but some of the best in the world! Look back, videos and full draw to find..

EKO – European Championship 2019
Lithuania, where Full Contact Karate is the most popular sport in the country, their athletes are among the best in the world, and where the national Karate organisation runs a highly professional business. The European Championship Shinkyokushin will be held in Vilnius, Siemens Arena 13th & 14th of April. And as before, being a World Championship year, the level of the tournament and the preparation of everyone will be at an absolute maximum
European Championship Shinkyokushin 2019 – info
13th and 14th April 2019, the European Championship Shinkyokushinkai will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Lithuanian organization always organize top notch tournaments – as it will be this time! First set of info are out – and as we know preparation at all levels are in progress.