World Tournaments with Valeri Dimitrov Sensei

Dimitrov32-200x300 - KopiNext year 2015, the 11th World Tournament will be held in Japan. We know that athletes around the world are beginning to look forward, and start the preparations for the biggest tournament. We on the other hand, are going to look back at the previous World Tournaments and follow Valeri Dimitrov Sensei. Dimitrov Sensei who are one of the main instructors this weekend at the Danish Summer Camp.. (we will give you updates….)

We start of with some fights from The 8th World Tournament. And epic moment was created..

Mowing four years forward, and The 9th World Championship are ready. Tokyo, Japan 2007.Since the last World Tournament, Dimitrov Sensei had won the 3rd Word Cup middleweight in Osaka, Japan 2005.

The 10th World Championship, Tokyo, Japan 2011. This tournament was streamed live, and people all around the world could see the fights.