Tomodachi Kata Cup 2025

The 7th edition of the Tomodachi Kata Cup will be held 23rd February, 2025. We expect you to know this, but let us take a closer look – because the tournament will soon reach the maximum number of participants!

Last day of registration is Before February 7th, 2025 LINK

“If it’s good, it will spread”  That’s what we think. And it is interesting to see the growth of this event. This year, the limit is 200 participants – and as we speak, participants are signing up and will probably reach the limit soon! – Be quick!

Compare it to last years edition, it is all ready a significant growth. The number of nations attending – also raising. Why is this event raising? Picture  from official website of Tomodachi Dojo

For sure, it can be different things, but we think that how this is organized and build up is the main key. Yes, Kata is more in the wind than ever before, getting the lift and the attention it should – being a part of the World Championship. Picture  from official website of Tomodachi Dojo

A event build by participants for participants – that is what we think is one of the main key for this success. If you go deeper into the tournament, and look at the possibilities the tournament can offer – short term, and specially long terms development.

You can start on a moderate level, and trough the “ladder” of categories, you can follow the tournament for the “rest of your life” You will naturally reach a higher level (and grade) in your training – and that will be a parallel in the Tomodachi Kata Cup. Photo by the never resting: Okiem Sportowca 

The most important athlete is not the champion, it is the champions of tomorrow..

This way of thinking and organize tells everybody that the team behind clearly know which buttons to push, how it will secure a natural growth – attracting both levels: the width and the absolute top level. Photo by the eminent Piotr Sztencel see more: Pi.Sztencel 

The Golden league category is the highest level in Tomodachi Kata Cup.This category not only serve the very best – but also those (who currently do not hold this level) who would normally have to compete against them if they did not have this offer. It is good ti have tournaments that separate the levels. In fighting one will see (or should see) this need clearly, since the consequences are considerably more… let’s say physical. (And worst case injuries or quarantine after knock out) Photo by the never resting: Okiem Sportowca 

There is something about competing in a championship when you know that you have a snowball’s chance in hell – with the Kyokushin spirit included. When you have adapted classes and categories, you ensure development at all levels. To try out a level above your head once in a while – for sure, to see whats missing – but to build and get experience the gap can not be to large between top and bottom.

We think Tomodachi Kata Cup really cover this aspect at the best. Don’t forget to visit official website of Tomodachi Dojo for extended info about the tournament – and some pictures from previous events!